Tenant Handbook

Large Meetings, Parties, Functions

40 or Fewer Attendees

Access and authorization into the building is the same as noted for Visitors. Specifically:

  • Access for scheduled meeting attendees and party attendees is authorized by entering their information into the visitor form via bptenantservices.com in advance.
  • All attendees are required to check in at the Lobby Security Desk 
  • Unscheduled meeting attendees or party attendees (any individuals not listed in the Visitor Security System) will be delayed in the lobby and provided with the use of a courtesy telephone at the Lobby Security Desk to obtain access authorization from a client representative. The main company telephone number for each client in the building will also be provided in the event the person does not know the direct telephone number of the client employee contact.  The person will not be allowed access into the building until their information is entered into the Visitor Security System by a tenant employee or verified by the client contact.
  • During non-business hours, a client employee also has the option of personally escorting the visitor(s) from the Lobby Security Desk.  The Security Officer will then make an entry into the Visitor Security System.


41 or More Attendees

In an effort to efficiently process a high volume of people entering the building at relatively the same time, meetings, parties or other special functions with 41 or more attendees requires additional staffing assistance in the lobby, as well as a separate check-in location, away from the lobby security desk.  Clients have the option of providing their own receptionist/check-in attendant for the table, or a client may request additional staffing from 2200 Pennsylvania Avenue Security for a fee.  A list of names of all attendees must be supplied by the client in advance to the lobby security desk and Property Management.  In addition, notification for any meeting, party or other special function must be submitted via bptenantservices.com using the work order system, and received in the2200 Pennsylvania Avenue Property Management Office at least twenty-four (48) hours in advance. If access is not available, call 2200 Pennsylvania Avenue Property Management at (202) 719-6970. The notification should include the following:

  • Request for a separate check-in table and chairs in the lobby.
  • Request for Security to staff the check-in table if client is not supplying staff.
  • Request for any other special services (i.e. janitorial, electrical, elevator).
  • Request overtime HVAC for non-business hours functions (If desired).
  • Request elevator card access be deactivated on the function floor (If desired).

The client will be charged a fee for any of the above requested services.

NOTE:   It is strongly recommended that the client supply a representative in the lobby to assist with check-in and distribution of the badges.

Additionally, clients may also follow the process below for special functions with less than 40 attendees should they desire.

If desired, the 2200 Pennsylvania Avenue Roof Deck, Main Lobby, or Courtyard can be reserved for an event. Please contact the Property Management office for more information.